College Bound
College Bound
What College Rankings Do and Do Not Measure
Ever hear of a Cargo Cult? It’s a term that describes the Pacific Islanders who faithfully awaited the never-to-return U.S. Navy of 1945 and their cargoes that made their lives…
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Senior Spring Awakening: Yes, they will be leaving for college soon.
By Kelly Barnhardt, College Admissions Strategies, Owner A funny thing starts to happen this time of year for both high school seniors and their parents. It’s a bit of…
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Athletic recruitment 101
By Lee Shulman Bierer, College Admissions Strategies, Founder Hey Hollywood, how about a new television show called “So You Think You Can Be A Professional Athlete?” Unfortunately, the stats aren’t…
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Last minute to do’s for soon-to-be college freshmen
By Lee Shulman Bierer, College Admissions Strategies – Founder T-minus one month and counting. The countdown to your first day as a college freshman has officially begun. There are…
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