What our clients are saying.
LEAVE A REVIEW“Hi Mrs. B! We just culminated the signing celebration at our house – complete with cork popping and hunting. I wanted to again thank you for introducing me the fine institution that is Rhodes College in the final stretch of my time working with you. I have already highly recommended your services and will be looking forward to your visit to campus next year! Forever grateful,”
“It was just what we needed and expected. We wanted you to keep our son on task, which you did. In addition, your essay editing was good. The essays truly reflected him. You pulled his own thoughts out of him, I could tell they were his thoughts, not yours. Your report after you and he met was great. It let me know what you accomplished in your meeting and what tasks and by whom were required for the coming week. We were not making any headway in keeping him on task and it was very frustrating to us that he seemed so disorganized, so your help alleviated the frustration and possible (probable!) arguments. I am very likely to recommend you because you filled our immediate need. When I called you, I was in a near-panic mode and you were able to work with our son right away and I felt totally comfortable with you and knew you to be competent.”
“I felt you had great insight into the application process itself and the essays… I think they have to go into the relationship knowing they will still be doing their work… This is a support and guidance position and it kept me on the railroad tracks but it was up to me to read, ask questions, and figure things out. I think you are very knowledgeable about the overall process and very professional.”
“ACCEPTED TO UNC CHAPEL HILL!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for making my dreams come true :)”
In addition the brag sheet, the essay brainstorming and editing were very valuable. The best part of working with you was the feeling of confidence that I got from you that you did in fact know your stuff! You also were supportive of my daughter and made the whole process less intimidating.”
As this was my first child going to college, I needed help organizing the approach. Your materials helped us figure out which types of colleges were a good fit, how to evaluation them and how to approach them. You gave us a time frame within which to work and helped set goals. In addition, you helped my son appreciate that the application process was something he needed to take seriously. Because you provided external structure, it helped him to finish the multiple essays and other pieces of paperwork in a timely fashion.